How Advisors Can Step Up Their SEO Game on Their Websites

by | Jun 9, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

When you’re starting with blog entries for your website it’s normal to get a little frustrated if you spend long hours trying to create great content but don’t see a great feedback from it, it’s like Google doesn’t seem to know your website exists.

It’s possible that you don’t see the results you want because you’re leaving one important ingredient out of the formula: SEO. The main purpose of SEO is to put your website at the top of the search results for some specific keywords related to your business, and this little aspect is vital to generate traffic to your website; because, as we mentioned before, most of the visitors will go with the first three results and you can forget about a considerable amount of clicks if you don’t appear among the results of first page.

These are some advises that will help you drive traffic to your site with basic SEO practices:

Engaging Content

While writing articles for your website keep in mind that Google ranks your website and to do it tracks how much time your visitors spend on your site once they click through. So, if your article is not good enough to keep the interest of your visitors and they leave immediately, it surely will have an impact on your site’s ranking. Also, besides how it could affect your site’s ranking, having poor quality articles would have a negative influence on the perception your visitors could get of you as a competent financial advisor. The best way to do it is writing about the most successful content on your blog, but if you’re starting and don’t know what to write about you can check these Blog Topics for Financial Advisors.

Bottom line: Writing great quality content will help you engage with your potential customers and will avoid that those prospective clients – and even the clients you already have – go with the next financial advisor.

Responsive Design

The amount of people going online through your mobile devices has increased considerably over the last years, and Google knows it. For that reason, the possibility of getting a high rank on search results will be lower if you don’t have a website that adjusts its size to different devices.

To check how responsive your web is you can check it on Am I Responsive?

Keywords, Titles and Descriptions

If you want to get better results, before posting any article you need to check these three aspects:

  • Keywords: To choose the keywords of your article think of the phrases that people will need to google to find what you wrote. These are your keywords. After you have your keywords you need to make sure they’re included in the tile, the description and within the body of your article a few times.
  • Title: Writing the title might be more complicated than what we would expect. The title must be relevant, feature your keyword and it should get the interest of your readers. If you need some extra help to write appealing titles you can check these Catchy Title Formulas to get a better idea.
  • Descriptions: Most probably, the descriptions would be the second thing that your visitors will see once they click through your article; therefore you need to make it as appealing as your title and it should include your keywords. The descriptions will show your visitors what your article is about and it will show up in the search results too.
  • Promote your content.

Having a great article doesn’t end up when you post it. In order to generate more traffic, you should s promote it through social media platforms, because the more social media interactions it generates the better and this will make it rank higher on search engines. Getting to promote your content successfully goes beyond tweeting and sharing, this article will be helpful to determine when, how and where is better to promote the content you create for your website.


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